Saturday, March 24, 2012

Scilla binge

As you can see, the scilla are out in full glory!  They're carpeting one corner of the garden, just where the fence to the adjacent apartment building is.  In my ungenerous moments, I'm ticked that the pollen from the scilla always tends to move toward the apartments and decreases the number of scilla actually in Dorothy's garden every year.  However, bulbs are just generous that way!  That won't stop me from transplanting about 2 x 5 feet of bulbs to other parts of the garden after they stop blooming to give us a bit of a buffer and keep a few more of the cubs actually in the garden.  It's nice though that we can share with neighbors. 

The dark lenten roses are still looking gorgeous!  I've heard they make nice cut flowers.  Mom is trying them now. 

(One experiment in trying to get a picture of the house - to put the tree close up right in front of the heating pipes that spoil the view.  What do you think?)

The tree fallen at the Hancock St. edge of the garden makes a fine perch!  Perhaps we should put in a bench.

The forsythia is looking gorgeous!  All around the neighborhood it's just in its glory.  Next step - plant some scilla under each of the bushes.  I saw this in a Brookline garden - it's really lovely. 

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